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Título : Uptake and metabolism of the Cyanobacterial Hepatotoxin Microcystin-RR by Spirodela intermedia from Brazil.
Autor : Ferreira, Tanare Cambraia Ribeiro
Freitas, Tália Carvalho de
Paula, Ana Cláudia Chagas de
Jardim, Fernando Antônio
Guarda, Vera Lúcia de Miranda
Fecha de publicación : 2009
Citación : FERREIRA, T. C. R. et al. Uptake and metabolism of the Cyanobacterial Hepatotoxin Microcystin-RR by Spirodela intermedia from Brazil. Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality, v. 83, p. 85-89, 2009. Disponível em: <https://ojs.openagrar.de/index.php/JABFQ/article/view/2131>. Acesso em: 20 jan. 2017.
Resumen : Spirodela intermedia was exposed to low (10 µg L-1) and high concentration (100 µg L-1) of microcystin-RR (Arginin-Arginin) over aperiod of two weeks. Depuration in the water phase, as weIl as uptake in the plant was determined using HPLC with photodiode array (PDA) detection. After the toxin uptake, metabolism of microcystin-RR occuored resulting in the formation of a glutathione conjugate. This conjugate was further processed yielding in a cysteine conjugate, a weIl known breakdown product in the biotransformation pathway of microcystins. The results indicate the uptake, accumulation and metabolism of microcystin-RR in a surface floating aquatic plant and raise the possibilities, to use these plants within water purification or toxin removal. Further implication on aquatic ecosystem and the transfer of toxin in the food web might occur and needs more investigation.
URI : http://www.repositorio.ufop.br/handle/123456789/7640
ISSN : 1439-040X
metadata.dc.rights.license: Os trabalhos publicados no periódico Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality estão sob Licença Creative Commons que permite copiar, distribuir e transmitir o trabalho desde que sejam citados o autor e o licenciante. Fonte: Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality <https://ojs.openagrar.de/index.php/JABFQ/navigationMenu/view/copyright>. Acesso em: 11 nov. 2019.
Aparece en las colecciones: DEFAR - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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