Coloniality of law : a historical-institutional pattern of power.

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Under a legal-critical methodological approach, with a theoretical frame- work of decolonial thinking, it presents itself as the coloniality of law is responsible for the construction of institutions that reproduce systematic and institutionalized oppression. When one thinks about what are the ma- terialities of the application of the law and who are those legal protectors, one realizes the existence of an overvaluation of this historical pattern of power in which salaried work was chosen for Europeans in Latin America and subdelegating the processes of exploitation of land to indigenous and black women. Thus, everything that differs from this standardization of the universalist subject of law, in a way, to be notified in a different way in relation to the others. This subjection can be called and understood as privileges that are received by the adequacy to the universal standard. Af- ter talking about the construction of this branch, we start a pluri-verse use of law as a courter-hegemonic tool for the expansion of the epistemolog- ical subject.
Theory of law, Decoloniality, Pluralization of the epistemic, Subject of law, Modernity/coloniality
BOMFIM, R.; BAHIA, A. G. M. F. de M. Coloniality of law: a historical-institutional pattern of power. Revista VIDERE, Dourados, v.14, n. 29, jan./abr. 2022. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 06 jul 2023.