Developing critical and reflective dimensions of Mathematical Modeling in Virtual Learning Environments.

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In this article, the authors discuss how mathematical modeling becomes a teaching methodology that focuses on the development of a critical and reflective efficacy that engages students in a contextualized teaching and learning process that allows them to become involved in the construction of solutions of social significance. When learners explore examples and problems from their reality, they begin to study symbolic, systematic, analytical, and critical contexts to their work by using technological tools provided in a virtual VLE. Long distance education assists students to overcome difficulties regarding the adoption of critical and reflective mathematical modeling courses because technological tools offered by the platforms such as Moodle are simple and functional. By developing discussion forums and videoconferences, professors and tutors are able to analyze interactions enabled by these tools, which contributed to the reflective development of the elaboration of mathematical models in the VLE.
Long distance education, Long distance theories
ROSA, M.; OREY, D. C. Developing critical and reflective dimensions of Mathematical Modeling in Virtual Learning Environments. Educação Matemática em Foco, v. 5, p. 52-72, n. 2017. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 16 jan. 2018.