Schettini, Antonella TonidandelLeite, Mariangela Garcia PraçaMessias, Maria Cristina Teixeira BragaGauthier, ArnaudLi, HaixiaoKozovits, Alessandra Rodrigues2017-10-052017-10-052017SCHETTINI, A. T. et al. Exploring Al, Mn and Fe phytoextraction in 27 ferruginous rockyoutcrops plant species. Flora, p. 1-8, 2017. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 25 ago. 2017.0367-2530, substrates naturally rich in Al, Fe and Mn are the subject of mining, generating degradation oflarge areas and producing wastes with high pollution potential for water resources, soil and atmosphere,causing harm to human health and ecosystems. The present study investigated the total and phytoavail-able concentration of these elements in soils and leaves of 27 native plant species from ferruginous rockyoutcrops, finding values above the toxic limits described in literature and environmental legislation.Foliar levels of metals varied widely among species, demonstrating different phytoextraction or exclu-sion potentials, which were not explained by the total concentration of elements or available soil fractions.Although most species are not considered hyperaccumulators, the results indicate the existence of speciesrelated to sites of greater availability of certain metals or that can modify soil quality through their dif-ferent phytoextraction skills, with potential future uses in decontamination, stabilization, phytominingand ecological restoration projects.en-USabertoBiological absorption coefficientsCangaFunctional diversityPhytoremediationExploring Al, Mn and Fe phytoextraction in 27 ferruginous rockyoutcrops plant species.Artigo publicado em periodicoO periódico Flora concede permissão para depósito deste artigo no Repositório Institucional da UFOP. Número da licença: 4193070135163.