Pecin, Diego GalindoPessoa, Artur AlvesPoggi, MarcusBarboza, Eduardo UchoaSantos, Haroldo Gambini2018-01-262018-01-262017PECIN, D. G. et al. Limited memory Rank-1 cuts for vehicle routing problems. Operations Research Letters, v. 45,p. 206-209, 2017. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 16 jan. 2018.0167-6377 et al. (2016) introduced a ‘‘limited memory’’ technique that allows an efficient use of Rank-1 cuts in the Set Partitioning Formulation of Vehicle Routing Problems, motivating a deeper investigation of those cuts. This work presents a computational polyhedral study that determines the best possible sets of multipliers for cuts with up to 5 rows. Experiments with CVRP instances show that the new multipliers lead to significantly improved dual bounds and contributes decisively for solving an open instance with 420 customers.en-USrestritoSet PartitioningPolyhedral combinatoricsBranch-cut-and-price algorithmsLimited memory Rank-1 cuts for vehicle routing problems.Artigo publicado em periodico