Oliveira, Maria Alice deLana, Gwenaelle Elza Nathalie PoundOliveira, Patricia Capelari dePontífice, Thaís GodinhoSilva, Sabrina Emanuelle DiasMachado, Marina Guimarães CarvalhoPostacchini, Bruna BuenoMosqueira, Vanessa Carla Furtado2021-12-072021-12-072021OLIVEIRA, M. A. de et al. Release, transfer and partition of fluorescent dyes from polymeric nanocarriers to serum proteins monitored by asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation. Journal of Chromatography A, v. 1641, p. 461959, 2021. Disponível em: <https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0021967321000832>. Acesso em: 10 jun. 2021.0021-9673http://www.repositorio.ufop.br/jspui/handle/123456789/14122Fluorescent probes are used in drug nanocarrier pre-clinical studies or as active compounds in theranostics and photodynamic therapy. In the biological medium, nanoparticles interact with proteins, which can result in the off-target release of their cargo. The present study used asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation with online multi-angle laser light scattering and fluorescence detection (AF4-MALLS-FLD) to study the release, transfer, and partition of fluorescent dyes from polymeric nanoparticles (NP). NP formulations containing the dyes Rose Bengal, Rhodamine B, DiI, 3-(α-azidoacetyl)coumarin and its polymer conjugate, Nile Red, and IR780 and its polymer conjugate were prepared. NP suspensions were incubated in a medium with serum proteins and then analyzed by AF4. AF4 allowed efficient separation of proteins (< 10 nm) from fluorescently labeled NP (range of 54 – 180 nm in diameters). The AF4 analyses showed that some dyes, such as Rose Bengal, IR780, and Coumarin were transferred to a high extent (68-77%) from NP to proteins. By contrast, for DiI and dye-polymer conjugates, transfer occured to a lower extent. The studies of dye release kinetics showed that the transfer of IR780 from NP to proteins occurs at a high extent (~50%) and rate, while Nile Red was slowly released from the NP over time with reduced association with proteins (~20%). This experiment assesses the stability of fluorescence labeling of nanocarriers and probes the transfer of fluorescent dyes from NP to proteins, which is otherwise not accessible with commonly used techniques of separation, such as dialysis and ultrafiltration/centrifugation employed in drug encapsulation and release studies of nanocarriers. Determining the interaction and transfer of dyes to proteins is of utmost importance in the pre-clinical evaluation of drug nanocarriers for improved correlation between in vitro and in vivo studies.en-USrestritoLipophilicityDye-protein bindingRelease, transfer and partition of fluorescent dyes from polymeric nanocarriers to serum proteins monitored by asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation.Artigo publicado em periodicohttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0021967321000832https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chroma.2021.461959