Carara, Sabrina SilvaBatista, Ronaldo Junio CamposChacham, Helio2015-03-132015-03-132009CARARA, S. S.; BATISTA, R. J. C.; CHACHAM, H. Modifications in graphene electron states due to a deposited lattice of Au nanoparticles: density functional calculations. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, v. 80, p. 115435, 2009. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 24 fev. 2015.1550-235X perform first-principles investigations of two-dimensional, triangular lattices of Au38 nanoparticles deposited on a graphene layer. We find that lattices of thiolate-covered nanoparticles cause electronic structure modifications in graphene such as minigaps, charge transfer, and new Dirac points, but graphene remains metallic. In contrast, for a moderate coverage of nanoparticles __0.2 nm−2_, a lattice of bare _noncovered_ Au nanoparticles may induce periodic deformations on the graphene layer leading to the opening of a band gap of a few tens of meV at the Dirac point, in such a way that a properly charged system might become a semiconductor.en-USModifications in graphene electron states due to a deposited lattice of Au nanoparticles : density functional calculations.Artigo publicado em periodicoO periódico Physical Review B permite o arquivamento da versão/PDF do editor no Repositório Institucional. Fonte: Sherpa/Romeo <>. Acesso em: 03 jan. 2017.