Francisco Neto, AntônioO'Carroll, Michael LouisVeiga, Paulo Afonso Faria da2012-12-032012-12-032009FRANCISCO NETO, A.; O'CARROLL, M. L.; VEIGA, P. A. F. da. Exact mesonic eightfold way from dynamics and confinement in strongly coupled lattice QCD. Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) v. 186, n. 1, p. 117–120, 2009. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 30 nov. 201205503213 review our results on the exact determination of the mesonic eightfold way from first principles, directly from the quark-gluon dynamics. For this, we consider an imaginary-time functional integral formulation of 3 + 1 dimensional lattice QCD with Wilson action, three flavors, SU(3)f flavor symmetry and SU(3)c local gauge symmetry. We work in the strong coupling regime: a small hopping parameter κ > 0 and a much smaller plaquette coupling β > 0. By stablishing a Feynman-Kac formula and a spectral representation to the twomeson correlation, we provide a rigorous connection between this correlation and the one-meson energy-momentum spectrum. The particle states can be labeled by the usual SU(3)f quantum numbers of total isospin I and its third-component I3, the quadratic Casimir C2 and, by a partial restoration of the continuous rotational symmetry on the lattice, as well as by the total spin J and its z−component Jz. We show that, up to near the two-meson energy threshold of ≈ −4 lnκ, the spectrum in the meson sector is given only by isolated dispersion curves of the eightfold way mesons. The mesons have all asymptotic mass of −2 lnκ and, by deriving convergent expansions for the masses both in κ and β, we also show a κ4 mass splitting between the J = 0, 1 states. The splitting persists for β _= 0. Our approach employs the decoupling of hyperplane method to uncover the basic excitations, complex analysis to determine the dispersion curves and a correlation subtraction method to show the curves are isolated. Using the latter and recalling our similar results for baryons, we also show confinement up to near the two-meson threshold.en-USExact mesonic eightfold way from dynamics and confinement in strongly coupled lattice QCD.Artigo publicado em periodicoO periódico Nuclear Physics B concede permissão para depósito do artigo no Repositório Institucional da UFOP. Número da licença: 3292420250116.