Coelho, Igor MachadoCoelho, Bruno NazárioCoelho, Vitor NazárioHaddad, Matheus NohraSouza, Marcone Jamilson FreitasOchi, Luiz Satoru2012-08-092012-08-092010COELHO, I. M. et al. A general variable neighborhood search approach for the resolution of the Eternity II Puzzle. In: The 3rd International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing, 3., 2010, Djerba Island. Anais... Djerba Island: Proceedings of the META'10, 2010. p.1-3. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 09 ago. 2012. general variable neighborhood search approach for the resolution of the Eternity II Puzzle.Trabalho apresentado em evento