Campos, Victor Costa da SilvaBraga, Marcio FelicianoSantos, Luciano Antonio Frezzatto2022-03-032022-03-032020CAMPOS, V. C. da. S.; BRAGA, M. F.; SANTOS, L. A. F. Analytical upper bound for the error on the discretization of uncertain linear systems by using the tensor product model transformation. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, v. 17, n. 6, p. 61-74, 2020. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 12 set. 2021.1785-8860 work provides analytical upper bounds on the discretization error of uncertain linear systems. The Tensor Product Model Transformation is used to approximate the derived discretized system, with a reduced number of vertices. Digital state feedback controllers are then designed for the discretized system, for comparison to other available work in the current literature.en-USrestritoTensor product model transformationDiscretizationUncertain linear systemsAnalytical upper bound for the error on the discretization of uncertain linear systems by using the tensor product model transformation.Artigo publicado em periodico