Cherem, Luís Felipe SoaresVarajão, César Augusto ChicarinoBraucher, RégisBourlès, Didier LionelVarajão, Angélica Fortes Drummond ChicarinoSalgado, André Augusto Rodrigues2012-09-062012-09-062012CHEREM, L. F. S. et al. Long-term evolution of denudational escarpments in southeastern Brazil. Geomorphology, p. 1-10, jun. 2012. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 06 set. 2012.0169555X relief in southeastern Brazil consists of a sequence of stepped surfaces that formed after the fragmentation of Gondwana during the Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary tectonic pulses. This region is drained by four major rivers within four major river basins, with interfluves that contain denudational escarpments, fault escarpments and mountain ranges. This study presents an analysis of the long-term evolution of two denudational escarpments, the Cristiano Otoni and the São Geraldo steps, which divide the river basins of the São Francisco, Doce and Paraíba do Sul rivers in southeastern Brazil. Denudation rates were obtained through the measurement of mean concentrations of in situ produced cosmogenic 10Be in sand-sized fluvial quartz sediments collected fromgranitic terrains. The rates were calculated and comparedwith one another and correlated to the basin-scale mean relief, slope, area, and stream power. The mean denudation rates of the Cristiano Otoni and São Geraldo highlands are 8.77 (±2.78)m My−1 and 15.68 (±4.53)m My−1, respectively. The mean denudation rates of the Cristiano Otoni and São Geraldo escarpments are 17.50 (±2.71)m My−1 and 21.22 (±4.24)m My−1, respectively. The denudation rates of the catchments of highlands that drain toward the escarpments are similar to those of their respective highlands. The results demonstrate that relief and slope have similar positive control on the denudation rates for all of the samples despite their different geomorphic context and history of landscape evolution. The São Francisco River Basin is losing area to the Doce River Basin, which, in turn, is losing area to the Paraíba do Sul River Basin.en-USCosmogenic nucleidesDenudation rateBrazilEscarpmentLong-term evolution of denudational escarpments in southeastern Brazil.Artigo publicado em periodicoO periódico Geomorphology concede permissão para depósito deste artigo no Repositório Institucional da UFOP. Número da licença: 3333721161194.