Valladão, Frederico NunesMiranda, Roqueline Rodrigues Silva deOliveira, Gabriela Soares deSilva, Grácia Divina de FátimaDuarte, Lucienir PainsVieira Filho, Sidney Augusto2017-04-062017-04-062010VALLADAO, F. N. et al. Constituents of fruit pulp of Maytenus salicifolia and complete 1D/2D NMR data of 3beta-hydroxy-D-B-friedo-olean-5-ene. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, v. 5, p. 1-5, 2010. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 20 jan. 2017.1573-8388 mixture of long-chain hydrocarbons constituted by nonacosane (29C, 7.5%), hentriacontane (31C, 48.3%), and tritriacontane (33C, 30.1%), the ester 1 -acetyloxymethylpentacosa-20 -enyl 10-hydroxydecanoate (2), -amyrin (3), friedelin (4), and lupeol (5), and 3 -hydroxy-D:B-friedo-olean-5-ene (6) were identified as constituents of fruits of Maytenus salicifolia Reissek (Celastraceae). The structural formula and the stereochemistry of compound 6 were established by the data obtained through 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, including DEPT-135 and 2D (HMQC, HMBC, and NOESY) experiments. By analysis of the spectral data, it was possible to correct seven chemical shift assignments of compound 6, which were erroneous attributed and published in the scientific literature.en-USrestritoCelastraceaePentacyclic triterpeneConstituents of fruit pulp of Maytenus salicifolia and complete 1D/2D NMR data of 3beta-hydroxy-D-B-friedo-olean-5-ene.Artigo publicado em periodico