Bernardes, Américo TristãoSantos, Rita Maria Zorzenon dos2012-06-142012-06-141998BERNARDES, A. T.; SANTOS, R. M. Z. dos. Immunization and aging : a learning process in the immune network. Physical Review Letters, v. 81, n.14, p.3034-3037, 1998. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 14 maio 2012.00319007 and aging: a learning process in the immune network. The immune system can be thought as a complex network of different interacting elements. A cellular automaton , defined in shape- space, was recently shown t o exhibit self- regulation an d complex behavior an d is, therefore, a good candidate t o model the immune system . Using this model t o simulate a real immune system we find good agreement with recent experiments on mice. The model exhibits the experimentally ob served refractory behavior of the immune system under multiple antigen present at ion s as well as loss of it s plasticity caused by aging.en-USImmunization and aging : a learning process in the immune network.Artigo publicado em periodicoO periódico Physical Review Letters permite o depósito da versão PDF do editor Repositório Institucional. Fonte: Sherpa/Romeo <> Acesso em 30 nov. 2013.