Araujo, Flavio Henrique Duarte deSilva, Romuere Rodrigues Veloso eMedeiros, Fátima Nelsizeuma Sombra deRocha Neto, Jeová Farias SalesOliveira, Paulo Henrique CalaesBianchi, Andrea Gomes CamposUshizima, Daniela Mayumi2022-10-102022-10-102021ARAUJO, F. H. D. de. et al. Active contours for overlapping cervical cell segmentation. INTERNATIONAL Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, v. 35, n. 1, p. 70-92, 2021. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 06 jul 2022.1752-6426 nuclei and cytoplasm segmentation of cervical cells is a well studied problem. However, the current segmentation algorithms are not robust to clinical practice due to the high computational cost or because they cannot accurately segment cells with high overlapping. In this paper, we propose a method that is capable of segmenting both cytoplasm and nucleus of each individual cell in a clump of overlapping cells. The proposed method consists of three steps: 1) cellular mass segmentation; 2) nucleus segmentation; 3)cytoplasm identification based on an active contour method. We carried out experiments on both synthetic and real cell images. The performance evaluation of the proposed method showed that it was less sensitive to the increase in the number of cells per image and the overlapping ratio against two other existing algorithms. It has also achieved a promising low processing time and, hence, it has the potential to support expert systems for cervical cell recognition.en-USrestritoCervical cellsMedical imageNuclei and cytoplasm segmentationOverlapping cellsPap testActive contours for overlapping cervical cell segmentation.Artigo publicado em periodico