Pinto, Thiago MoraisProcacci, AldoScoppola, Benedetto2018-11-202018-11-202014PINTO, T. M.; PROCACCI, A.; SCOPPOLA, B. On Lennard–Jones type potentials and hard-core potentials with an attractive tail. Journal of Statistical Physics, v. 157, n. 1, p. 17-39, out. 2014. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 16 jun. 2018.15729613 revisit an old tree graph formula, namely the Brydges–Federbush tree identity, and use it to get new bounds for the convergence radius of the Mayer series for gases of continuous particles interacting via non-absolutely summable pair potentials with an attractive tail including Lennard–Jones type pair potentials.en-USrestritoGas of particleCluster expansionMayer seriesOn Lennard–Jones type potentials and hard-core potentials with an attractive tail.Artigo publicado em periodico