Grützmann, AndréBoava, Fernanda Maria Felício MacêdoZambalde, André Luiz2015-05-142015-05-142011GRUTZMANN, A.; BOAVA, F. M. F. M.; ZAMBALDE, A. L. Knowledge management and innovation: the role of virtual social networks in innovative consumer behavior. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, v. 8, p. 145-146, 2013. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 24 mar. 2015.0718-2724 social networks made up of actors with different degrees of innovativeness may allow knowledge management to collect new ideas and measure their acceptance. This research investigates consumer innovativeness and relationships with the uses and participation in social networks. This research has a quantitative exploratory scope, and among the main findings, we can mention that the dimensions of the adopted scale were corroborated by using factor analysis. The findings cannot be generalized, but there are evidences that relationship between social networking and innovative consumer behavior exists. Although there are limitations, correlations were found between the social dimension of innovativeness and information search in the networks and also the use of social networking information for the decision to purchase new products.en-USOnline social networksWeb-based innovationInnovationKnowledge managementKnowledge management and innovation : the role of virtual social networks in innovative consumer behavior.Artigo publicado em periodicoThe Journal of Technology Management & Innovation use a license that permits any user to download, print out, extract, archive, and distribute the article, so long as appropriate credit is given to the authors of the work. Fonte: Journal of Technology Management & Innovation <>. Acesso em: 26 mar. 2015.