Fehsenfeld, Kathia MarianeDickman, RonaldBernardes, Américo Tristão2012-06-122012-06-122003FEHSENFELD, K. M.; DICKMAN, R.; BERNARDES, A. T. Survival-extinction phase transition in a bit-string population with mutation. Physical Review, v. 67,n.3, 2003. Disponível em: <http://pre.aps.org/pdf/PRE/v67/i3/e031915>. Acesso em: 11 jun. 2012.15366065http://www.repositorio.ufop.br/handle/123456789/827A bit string model for the evolution of a population of haploid organisms , subject to competition , reproduction with mutation and selection is studied , using mean field theory an d Monte Carlo simulation s . We show that, depending on environmental flexibility an d genetic variability, the model exhibits a phase transition between extinction and survival. T h e mean field theory describes the infinite size limit, while simulations are used to study quasistationary properties.en-USSurvival-extinction phase transition in a bit-string population with mutation.Artigo publicado em periodicoO periódico Physical Review E permite o depósito da versão PDF do editor em Repositório Institucional. Fonte: Sherpa/Romeo <http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/search.php?issn=1539-3755> Acesso em 15 dez. 2013.