Peixoto, Johne Jesus MolGabriel, Weslei VianaRibeiro, Leticia QueirozSilva, Carlos Antônio daSilva, Itavahn Alves daSeshadri, Varadarajan2016-08-082016-08-082016PEIXOTO, J. J. M. et al. Computational and physical simulation of fluid flow inside a beamblank continuous casting mold. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, v. 233, p. 88-99, 2016. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 11 jul. 2016.0924-0136 main features of the flow field inside a beam blank continuous casting mold have been assessedthrough mathematical and physical modeling techniques. Experimental techniques such as particle dis-persion through addition of dye and particle image velocimetry have been used in a physical model of themold to assess the flow pattern. Different combinations of nozzle geometry and throughput have beenemployed and the experimental results have been analyzed. In the case of two tubular nozzles, whichshould ensure good thermal and flow symmetry, six vortices were observed in the mold, two near theweb and two in each of the flanges. Increasing the flow rate of the fluid from 100 L/min to 150 L/minleads to a change from 0.74 m to 0.84 m in the jet penetration depth. However even a 67% increase ofthe nozzle cross section did not affect this parameter significantly. Experiments with one single tubularnozzle (53.2 mm inside diameter) were also carried out and the resulting flow asymmetry has been char-acterized. The difference in the fluid velocities at the filets could lead to unequal solid shell growth. Thedepth of jet penetration is larger than mold nominal length (0.8 m). Fluid flow structure as determinedby PIV measurements and CFD simulations show a good agreement.en-USabertoBeam blankContinuous castingNear net shapesFluid flowComputational and physical simulation of fluid flow inside a beamblank continuous casting mold.Artigo publicado em periodicoO periódico Journal of Materials Processing Technology concede permissão para depósito deste artigo no Repositório Institucional da UFOP. Número da licença: 3914191255091.