Toffolo, Túlio Ângelo MachadoWauters, TonyMalderen, Sam VanBerghe, Greet Vanden2016-10-032016-10-032016TOFFOLO, T. A. M. et al. Branch-and-bound with decomposition-based lower bounds for the Traveling Umpire Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, v. 250, p. 737-744, 2016. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 07 ago. 2016.0377-2217 Traveling Umpire Problem (TUP) is an optimization problem in which umpires have to be assigned to games in a double round robin tournament. The objective is to obtain a solution with minimum total travel distance over all umpires, while respecting hard constraints on assignments and sequences. Up till now, no general nor dedicated algorithm was able to solve all instances with 12 and 14 teams. We present a novel branch-and-bound approach to the TUP, in which a decomposition scheme coupled with an efficient propagation technique produces the lower bounds. The algorithm is able to generate optimal solutions for all the 12- and 14-team instances as well as for 11 of the 16-team instances. In addition to the new optimal solutions, some new best solutions are presented and other instances have been proven infeasible.en-USabertoDecomposition strategiesBranch and boundBranch-and-bound with decomposition- based lower bounds for the Traveling Umpire Problem.Artigo publicado em periodicoO periódico European Journal of Operational Research concede permissão para depósito deste artigo no Repositório Institucional da UFOP. Número da licença: 3934300574318.