Pascoal, Vanessa Peruhype MagalhãesAraújo, Fernanda Fortes dePapini, Tatiane Figueiredo de MoraisWendling, Ana Paula BarbosaAzevedo, Ana Carolina CampiReis, Jordana Grazziela Alves Coelho dosAlmeida, Isabela Neves deAntonnelli, Lis Ribeiro do ValleAmaral, Laurence Rodrigues doGomes, Matheus de SouzaSousa, Joaquim Pedro Brito deSantos, Silvana Maria ElóiAugusto, Valéria MariaDalcolmo, Margareth Maria PrettiCarneiro, Cláudia MartinsCarvalho, Andréa Teixeira deMartins Filho, Olindo Assis2023-10-192023-10-192023MAGALHÃES, V. P. et al. Serum biomarkers in patients with unilateral or bilateral active pulmonary tuberculosis: immunological networks and promising diagnostic applications. Cytokine, v. 162, artigo 156076, 2023. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 01 ago. 2023.1043-4666 present observational study was designed to characterize the integrative profile of serum soluble mediators to describe the immunological networks associated with clinical findings and identify putative biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis of active tuberculosis. The study population comprises 163 volunteers, including 84 patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis/(TB), and 79 controls/(C). Soluble mediators were measured by multiplexed assay. Data analysis demonstrated that the levels of CCL3, CCL5, CXCL10, IL-1β, IL-6, IFN-γ, IL-1Ra, IL-4, IL-10, PDGF, VEGF, G-CSF, IL-7 were increased in TB as compared to C. Patients with bilateral pulmonary involvement/(TB-BI) exhibited higher levels of CXCL8, IL-6 and TNF with distinct biomarker signatures (CCL11, CCL2, TNF and IL-10) as compared to patients with unilateral infiltrates/(TB-UNI). Analysis of biomarker networks based in correlation power graph demonstrated small number of strong connections in TB and TB-BI. The search for biomarkers with relevant implications to understand the pathogenetic mechanisms and useful as complementary diagnosis tool of active TB pointed out the excellent performance of single analysis of IL-6 or CXCL10 and the stepwise combination of IL-6 → CXCL10 (Accuracy = 84 %; 80 % and 88 %, respectively). Together, our finding demonstrated that immunological networks of serum soluble biomarkers in TB patients differ according to the unilateral or bilateral pulmonary involvement and may have relevant implications to understand the pathogenetic mechanisms involved in the clinical outcome of Mtb infection.en-USrestritoIntegrative biomarkers profilePulmonary tuberculosisActive tuberculosis diagnosisActive tuberculosis prognosisSerum biomarkers in patients with unilateral or bilateral active pulmonary tuberculosis : immunological networks and promising diagnostic applications.Artigo publicado em periodico