Andrade, Rone Peterson Galvao deReis, A. dosGrassi, FrederiqueHama, YogiroKodama, T.Ollitrault, J. Y.Qian, Weiliang2017-03-132017-03-132010ANDRADE, P. P. G. de et al. NeXSPheRIO results on elliptic flow and directed flow for Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at RHIC. Indian Journal of Physics, v. 84, n. 12, p. 1657-1661, dez. 2010. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 13 mar. 2017.0974-9845 has been rather successful at describing results obtained in relativistic nuclear collisions at RHIC. Here we show results obtained with NeXSPheRIO on Au+Au collisions and the less studied Cu+Cu collisions. We study elliptic flow and its connection with eccentricity suggested by PHOBOS, as well as present elliptic flow fluctuations. We also show results for directed flow and compare with PHOBOS and STAR data.en-USrestritoRelativistic nuclear collisionHydrodynamicsCollective flowNeXSPheRIO results on elliptic flow and directed flow for Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at RHIC.Artigo publicado em periodico