Carpinteiro, Otávio Augusto SalgadoReis, Agnaldo José da RochaQuintanilha Filho, Paulo Sergio2012-07-242012-07-242004CARPINTEIRO, O. A. S.; REIS, A. J. da R.; QUINTANILHA FILHO, P. S. A hierarchical hybrid neural model in short-termload forecasting. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais, 2004. Natal. Anais... Natal: SBRN, 2004. p.1-6. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 23 jul. 2012. paper proposes a novel neural model to the problem of short-term load forecasting. The neural model is made up o f two self-organizing map nets one on top of the other |,and a single-layer perceptron. It has application into domains in which the context information given by former events plays aprimary role. The model was trained and assessed onload data extracted from a Brazilian electric utility. It was required to predict once every hour the electric load during the next six hours. The paper presents the results, and evaluates them.en-USA hierarchical hybrid neural model in short-termload forecasting.Trabalho apresentado em eventoO Periódico Applied Soft Computing concede permissão para depósito do artigo no Repositório Institucional da UFOP. Número da licença: 3291280500461.