Espiridião, Luciano Vilas BoasFerreira, Anderson AlmeidaLaender, Alberto Henrique FradeGonçalves, Marcos AndréGomes, David MenottiTavares, Andréa IabrudiAssis, Guilherme Tavares de2015-01-212015-01-212014ESPERIDIÃO, L. V. B. et al. Reducing fragmentation in incremental author name disambiguation. Journal of Information and Data Management - JIDM, São Paulo, v. 5, n. 3, p. 293-307, out. 2014. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 21 jan. 2015.2178-7107 name ambiguity is a hard problem that occurs when several authors publish articles with the same name or when a same author publishes their articles under different names. Traditionally, automatic disambiguation methods process the author names of all citation records in a repository. Aiming efficiency, incremental methods disambiguate author names only when new citation records are inserted into the repository. As a side effect, several citation records of a same author may be associated with different authors, aka, the fragmentation problem. To diminish this problem, we propose a new merge-oriented incremental method capable of reducing such side effect, without the need to apply a traditional disambiguation method on the whole repository. Our experimental evaluation shows that our method produces significant improvements when compared to an incremental baseline and is very competitive with batch-mode methods.en-USAuthor name ambiguityBibliographic citationIncremental disambiguationReducing fragmentation in incremental author name disambiguation.Artigo publicado em periodicoPermission to copy without fee all or part of the material printed in JIDM is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for commercial advantage, and that notice is given that copying is by permission of the Sociedade Brasileira de Computação. Fonte: Informação contida no artigo.