The Military Orders, the muslim world, and the dilemmas of conviviality : Connected Histories as a critical approach to the History of the Crusades.

dc.contributor.authorSalles, Bruno Tadeu
dc.description.abstractTh is article explores the potentialities of the Connected Histories method for the study of the Crusades, and more specifi cally of the Military Orders. Th e corpus initially takes shape in a papal docu- ment of 1179 that listed the disputes between the Templars and the Hospitallers. In it, we fi nd itinerant Islamic communities under the care of the Temple. We also turn to the agreement between Baybars and the Hospitallers, dated 1267, which established a co-dominium between the Sultan and the Order. Included in this agreement was the control over Bedouins and Turkmen. Both documents can serve as a laboratory for the application of the assumptions concerning the Connected Histories method. In addition, the paper goes on to outline the recent historio- graphical positions about the relationships between the Military Orders, Th is article explores the potentialities of the Connected Histories method for the study of the Crusades, and more specifi cally of the Military Orders. Th e corpus initially takes shape in a papal docu- ment of 1179 that listed the disputes between the Templars and the Hospitallers. In it, we fi nd itinerant Islamic communities under the care of the Temple. We also turn to the agreement between Baybars and the Hospitallers, dated 1267, which established a co-dominium between the Sultan and the Order. Included in this agreement was the control over Bedouins and Turkmen. Both documents can serve as a laboratory for the application of the assumptions concerning the Connected Histories method. In addition, the paper goes on to outline the recent historio- graphical positions about the relationships between the Military Orders,pt_BR
dc.description.abstractenEste artigo explora as potencialidades do método das Histó- rias Conectadas para o estudo das Cruzadas e, mais especificamente, das Ordens Militares. O corpus tomou forma, inicialmente, em um documento papal de 1179, que listava as disputas entre os Templários e os Hospitalários. Nele, encontramos comunidades itinerantes sob o cuidado do Templo. Também nos voltamos para o compromisso entre Baybars e os Hospitalários, datado de 1267, no qual era estabelecido um co-dominium entre o Sultão e a Ordem. Nesse acordo, estava inclu- ído o controle sobre Beduínos e Turcomanos. Ambos os documentos serviriam como um laboratório para a aplicação dos pressupostos con- cernentes ao método das Histórias Conectadas. Além disso, artigo se propõe a apontar as recentes posições historiográficas sobre as relações das Ordens Militares com as comunidades e os poderes muçulmanos. A ideia principal indica pensar os movimentos forçados ou consensuais em um jogo de escalas que coloca em interseção o deslocamento de cativos, a itinerância de Beduínos e o avanço Mongol. Assim, o artigo explica como a intensificação dos movimentos colocaria os sujeitos históricos diante dos dilemas do convívio, cujas respostas tornariam as interações irredutíveis à simples oposição acirrada ou à ideia contida na hipótese da Geografia do Medo.pt_BR
dc.identifier.citationSALLES, B. T. The Military Orders, the muslim world, and the dilemmas of conviviality: Connected Histories as a critical approach to the History of the Crusades. Varia Historia, Belo Horizonte, v. 38, n. 76, p. 17-58, jan./abr. 2022. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 06 jul. 2023.pt_BR
dc.rights.licenseThis is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. Fonte: PDF do artigo.pt_BR
dc.subjectConnected Historiespt_BR
dc.titleThe Military Orders, the muslim world, and the dilemmas of conviviality : Connected Histories as a critical approach to the History of the Crusades.pt_BR
dc.title.alternativeAs Ordens Militares, o mundo muçulmano e os dilemas do convívio : Histórias Conectadas como uma abordagem crítica para a História das Cruzadas.pt_BR
dc.typeArtigo publicado em periodicopt_BR
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