Evaluation of the influence of pre-alloyed powder FE65NB on the production of metal matrices by powder metallurgy.

The objective of this paper is to study Fe65Nb-Cu metal matrices, thus varying the content of the pre-alloyed Fe65Nb powder from 10% to 100%. Therefore, powders of Fe65Nb and Cu were used, innovating in the chemical composition of the commonly used matrices. The objective is to evaluate the substitution of Co (toxic element, commonly used) by Nb (98.2% of reserves are Brazilian). For the sintering of the samples it was used hot pressing technique. The parameters were set at: 850°C / 35MPa / 3min. The sintered bodies underwent SEM/EDS analysis and density and porosity measurements were performed. From the results it is possible to say that the compositions of (10% and 30% Fe65Nb) presented the best physical and mechanical properties. The relative density decreases for the compositions with 40%, 50% and 60% Fe65Nb is justified by the presence of fragile particles in metal matrices, since they require more energy in order to efficiently transport matter (diffusion) in a solid state.
Hot pressing, Pre-alloyed powder, Microstructure
SILVA, A. C. G. et al. Evaluation of the influence of pre-alloyed powder FE65NB on the production of metal matrices by powder metallurgy. Materials Science Forum, v. 1012, p. 3-8, out. 2020. Disponível em: <https://www.scientific.net/MSF.1012.3>. Acesso em: 12 set. 2021.