Clinical value of anti-Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi IgG titers detected by flow cytometry to distinguish infected from vaccinated dogs.

dc.contributor.authorAndrade, Renata Aline de
dc.contributor.authorReis, Alexandre Barbosa
dc.contributor.authorGontijo, Célia Maria Ferreira
dc.contributor.authorBraga, Lidiane Bento
dc.contributor.authorRocha, Roberta Dias Rodrigues
dc.contributor.authorAraújo, Márcio Sobreira Silva
dc.contributor.authorVianna, Leonardo Rocha
dc.contributor.authorMartins Filho, Olindo Assis
dc.description.abstractLeishmune® vaccination covers a broader number of endemic areas of canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) and therefore the development of new serological devices able to discriminate CVL from Leishmune® vaccinees becomes an urgent need considering the post-vaccine seroconversion detected throughout conventional methodologies. Herein, we have described the establishment of a flow cytometry based methodology to detect anti-fixedL. ( L. ) chagasipromastigotes antibodies (FC-AFPA-IgG, FC-AFPA-IgG1 and FC-AFPA-IgG2) in sera samples from Leishmania ( Leishmania ) chagasiinfected dogs and Leishmune® vaccinees. The results of FC-AFPA were reported along the sera titration curve (1:128–1:524,288), as percentage-of-positive-fluorescent-parasite (PPFP). The use of PPFP = 20% as a cut-off edge to segregate negative and positive results at sera dilution 1:2048 revealed outstanding performance indexes that elect FC-AFPA-IgG and IgG2 (both detected by polyclonal FITC-labeled second step reagent) applicable to the serological diagnosis of CVL, with 100% of specificity for both IgG and IgG2 and 97 and 93% of sensitivity, respectively. Moreover, FC-AFPA-IgG, applied at sera dilution 1:2048, also appeared as a useful tool to discriminate L. chagasiinfected dogs from Leishmune® vaccinees, with 76% of specificity. Outstanding likelihood indexes further support the performance of FC-AFPA-IgG for exclusion diagnosis of CVL in Leishmune® vaccinees. Analysis of FC-AFPA-IgG at sera dilution 1:8192 revealed the most outstanding indexes, demonstrating that besides the ability of PPFP 20% to exclude the diagnosis of CVL, a PPFP values higher 80%, mostly observed for infected dogs (INF) have a minimal change to come from a non-infected animal (NI) or Leishmune®.pt_BR
dc.identifier.citationANDRADE, R. A. de et al. Clinical value of anti-Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi IgG titers detected by flow cytometry to distinguish infected from vaccinated dogs. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, v. 116, n. 1-2, p. 85-97, mar. 2007. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 10 de jul. 2012.pt_BR
dc.rights.licenseO periódico Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology concede permissão para depósito deste artigo no Repositório Institucional da UFOP. Número da licença: 3291410040834.
dc.subjectLeishmania chagasipt_BR
dc.subjectFlow cytometrypt_BR
dc.subjectCanine visceral leishmaniasispt_BR
dc.titleClinical value of anti-Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi IgG titers detected by flow cytometry to distinguish infected from vaccinated dogs.pt_BR
dc.typeArtigo publicado em periodicopt_BR
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