Ethnomodeling : an ethnomathematical view on mathematical modeling.

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A major problem with mathematics education in contemporary society is its overwhelming bias towards a Western orientation in its topics and research paradigm. A search for new approaches and methodologies is necessary to record historical forms of mathematical ideas that occur in different cultural contexts, and to take advantage of the an emerging globalization of business, science, religion, art, music and other aspects of culture (Orey & Rosa, 2007). There is a need to apply a fundamentally different philosophy, modeling techniques, and an ethnomathematical perspective to mathematics curriculum. In this chapter, the authors propose to demonstrate how, as a member of the family of ethnosciences, ethnomodeling is a methodology for teaching and learning of mathematics. Ethnomodeling challenges the prevailing way of thinking. In order to keep up with modern Western developmental models, other cultures have been forced to adapt or perish. Relying primarily on constructivist theories, the authors argue that universal theories of mathematics take different forms in different cultures, and that Western views on abstract ideas of modeling are culturally bound. In so doing, the study of ethnomodeling is considered a powerful tool used in the translation of a problem-situation of mathematical ideas and practices within a culture. These new-found ethnomathematical lenses lead to new findings in the development of an inclusive model of mathematics.
Constructivism, Ethnomathematics, Ethnosciences, Multiculturalism
ROSA, M.; OREY, D. C. Ethnomodeling: an ethnomathematical view on mathematical modeling. Revista Internacional de Pesquisa em Educação Matemática, v. 1, n. 1, 2011. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 01 fev. 2017.