Stability of motor talent in young Brazilian students.

This study evaluated the evolution and stability of motor talent diagnosis in young students of a military college, as well as the biological maturation effect on the range of variation of anthropometric and motor indicators. A total of 299 students of both sexes (11 to 17 yrs old) participated in a battery of tests to assess body size, flexibility, isometric strength, explosive strength, speed, endurance, and somatic maturation. Schoolchildren with scores above the 98th percentile (P98) were classified as motor-talented. Anthropometric and motor indicators showed high stability after 9 months. However, motor talent diagnosis showed low stability. The range of variation of the indicators was higher in late-maturing schoolchildren, but only for body mass and height (boys), and handgrip strength (girls). It was concluded that there is a high stability of motor talent indicators but low stability of motor talent diagnosis, considering P98 and that the range of variation observed was partially dependent on maturation.
Biological maturation, Tracking
MIRANDA, L. et al. Stability of motor talent in young Brazilian students. Journal of Exercise Physiology, v. 23, n. 23, p. 89-100, jun. 2020. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 10 jun. 2021.