Decreased self-reported receiving of social touch and social support predict loneliness in healthy adults.

Loneliness has emerged as a public health concern. Previous research has reported its deleterious efects on physical and mental health; however, some specifc psychophysiological mechanisms in healthy adults remain to be eluci‑ dated. The aim of the current study is to investigate whether self-reported social support and social touch (giving and receiving social touch), as well as resting heart rate variability (HRV), are signifcant negative predictors of loneliness in healthy adults. The study sample consists of 120 healthy students (50% female) with a mean age of 21.85 years old (DP= 2.21). The students were asked to complete a psychiatric screening questionnaire utilizing loneliness, social support, and social touch scales. HRV was derived from an electrocardiographic signal recorded for 15 min, with the participant relaxed in a supine position. Linear regression analyses were conducted to evaluate loneliness as a func‑ tion of social support, social touch (giving or receiving touch), and resting HRV. The results show that social support (p< 0.001) and social touch, specifcally receiving touch (p< 0.002), accounted for a signifcant proportion of the vari‑ ance in loneliness. However, neither giving touch nor resting HRV was a signifcant predictor of loneliness. The current study highlights specifc psychosocial factors in healthy adults that should be considered as promising pathways in order to reduce or work toward preventing loneliness, thus promoting better health and well-being.
Loneliness, Social touch, Social support, Heart rate variability
ARAÚJO, C. R. V. et al. Decreased self-reported receiving of social touch and social support predict loneliness in healthy adults. Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, v. 35, artigo 25, 2022. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 01 ago. 2023.