Influência das variáveis físicas do oscilador do molde nas características das marcas de oscilação das placas de lingotamento contínuo.
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Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Materiais. Rede Temática em Engenharia de materiais, Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.
A função do oscilador do molde no processo de lingotamento contínuo é possibilitar que a escória líquida de fluxante penetre nas interfaces das placas do molde e “pele”, em solidificação, evitando a ocorrência de sangrias e breakout. Em contrapartida, o processo de oscilação gera ranhuras na superfície da placa, que se formam a cada ciclo de oscilação do molde, e dependendo da intensidade desta marca pode gerar recusas do produto final após conformação mecânica, oriundos de trincas transversais de quina, micro porosidades, precipitados e inclusões, sendo estes defeitos os mais comuns. Na fase de desenvolvimento foi utilizado o oscilador do molde tipo eletro hidráulico do lingotamento contínuo 3 da ArcelorMittal Tubarão. Variáveis físicas do oscilador do molde, transplantadas da literatura, tais como: freqüência, amplitude e tempo de estripamento negativo foram avaliadas através de experimentos em blocos, nos aços médio carbono micro ligado, visando conhecer a correlação com os resultados metalúrgicos. Observou-se que para baixos valores de estripamento negativo (0,09 a 0,131 segundos) e aplicação de a= 40% não houve nenhuma ocorrência de falta de lubrificação na interface molde e placa, ou seja, sem alarme de colamento da pele. As ocorrências de trincas transversais de quina foram dentro dos padrões ArcelorMittal Tubarão. Buscou-se, ao longo deste trabalho, medir variáveis associadas às marcas de oscilação tais como o espaçamento entre elas, a natureza dos defeitos (inclusões, porosidades, etc.) distribuídos ao longo das marcas e a profundidade destas. Estas informações, quando reunidas, permitem compreender os fenômenos relacionados à solidificação no lingotamento contínuo e avaliar a qualidade do processamento e os reflexos sobre a qualidade metalúrgica do produto. Para avaliação dos resultados metalúrgicos, os recursos utilizados para tal finalidade incluíram um software (Quantikov) para análise de imagens, a microscopia óptica e um equipamento de varredura óptica, denominado Rugosímetro Óptico, este último desenvolvido pela ArcelorMittal Tubarão e UFOP. Os resultados obtidos estão coerentes com aqueles divulgados na literatura especializada e com os padrões operacionais adotados na Empresa. De posse dos resultados metalúrgicos e conhecimento de trabalhos técnicos realizados espera-se otimizar o uso do oscilador do molde em função da composição química do aço. __________________________________________________________________________________________
ABSTRACT: The function of the mould oscillator in the continuous casting process is to make possible that the flux powder liquid slag enters the interfaces between the mould plates and the solidifying skin preventing bleeding and breakout. However, the oscillation process generates grooves on the slab surface at each mould oscillation cycle and depending on the intensity of the mark the final product can be rejected after mechanical conformation due to defects such as transversal edge cracks, micro porosities, precipitates, and inclusions. The electro hydraulic mould oscillator of ArcelorMittal Tubarao continuous casting machine 3 was used in the development phase. Physical variables of the mould oscillator, transferred from literature, such as: frequency, amplitude and negative stripping time were evaluated through the experiments in blocks, in micro -alloyed medium carbon steel aiming to know the correlation with the metallurgical results. It was observed that for low negative stripping values (0.09 to 0.131 seconds) and application of a= 40% there was no lack of lubrication in the mould-slab interface, i.e., there was no sticking of the skin. The occurrence of transversal edge cracks were within ArcelorMittal Tubarao’s standards. Throughout this work we searched to measure the variables associated to the oscillation marks such as the distance between them, the nature of the defects (inclusions, porosity, …) distributed along these marks and their depth. This information, when put together, makes it possible to understand the phenomena related to solidification in continuous casting, to evaluate the processing quality and the reflex on the quality of the metallurgical process. The resources used to evaluate the metallurgical results included a software (Quantikov) to analyze the images, the optical microscopy and an optical sweeping equipment called Optical Rugosimeter, the latter developed by ArcelorMittal Tubarao and UFOP. The results obtained are consis tent with those divulged in the specialized literature and the operational standards adopted by the Company. Based on the metallurgical results and the knowledge from technical works carried out it is expected the optimization of the use of the mould oscillator according to the chemical composition of the steel.
ABSTRACT: The function of the mould oscillator in the continuous casting process is to make possible that the flux powder liquid slag enters the interfaces between the mould plates and the solidifying skin preventing bleeding and breakout. However, the oscillation process generates grooves on the slab surface at each mould oscillation cycle and depending on the intensity of the mark the final product can be rejected after mechanical conformation due to defects such as transversal edge cracks, micro porosities, precipitates, and inclusions. The electro hydraulic mould oscillator of ArcelorMittal Tubarao continuous casting machine 3 was used in the development phase. Physical variables of the mould oscillator, transferred from literature, such as: frequency, amplitude and negative stripping time were evaluated through the experiments in blocks, in micro -alloyed medium carbon steel aiming to know the correlation with the metallurgical results. It was observed that for low negative stripping values (0.09 to 0.131 seconds) and application of a= 40% there was no lack of lubrication in the mould-slab interface, i.e., there was no sticking of the skin. The occurrence of transversal edge cracks were within ArcelorMittal Tubarao’s standards. Throughout this work we searched to measure the variables associated to the oscillation marks such as the distance between them, the nature of the defects (inclusions, porosity, …) distributed along these marks and their depth. This information, when put together, makes it possible to understand the phenomena related to solidification in continuous casting, to evaluate the processing quality and the reflex on the quality of the metallurgical process. The resources used to evaluate the metallurgical results included a software (Quantikov) to analyze the images, the optical microscopy and an optical sweeping equipment called Optical Rugosimeter, the latter developed by ArcelorMittal Tubarao and UFOP. The results obtained are consis tent with those divulged in the specialized literature and the operational standards adopted by the Company. Based on the metallurgical results and the knowledge from technical works carried out it is expected the optimization of the use of the mould oscillator according to the chemical composition of the steel.
Processos de fabricação, Fundição contínua, Engenharia de materiais, Engenharia metalúrgica, Resistência de materiais
NASCIMENTO, A. D. do. Influência das variáveis físicas do oscilador do molde nas características das marcas de oscilação das placas de lingotamento contínuo. 2008. 86 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia de Materiais) – Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Ouro Preto, 2008.