Supercollision cooling effects on the hot photoluminescence emission of graphene.

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We report on hot photoluminescence measurements that show the effects of acoustic phonon supercollision processes in the intensity of graphene light emission. We use a simple optical method to induce defects on single layer graphene in a controlled manner to study in detail the light emission dependence on the sample defect density. It is now well accepted that the graphene photoluminescence is due to black-body thermal emission from the quasi-equilibrium electrons at a temperature well above the lattice temperature. Our results show that as the sample defect density is increased the electrons relax energy more efficiently via acoustic phonon supercollision processes leading to lower electron temperatures and thus lower emission intensities. The calculated intensity decrease due to supercollision energy relaxation agrees well with the experimental data.
Electron dynamics, Hot photoluminescence, Defects, Graphene
SOUZA, T. V. de A.; MOREIRA, L. M.; PAULA, A. M. de. Supercollision cooling effects on the hot photoluminescence emission of graphene. Nanotechnology, Bristol, v. 27, p. 2-7, 2016. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 16 jan. 2018.