Exclusivity principle forbids sets of correlations larger than the quantum set.

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We show that the exclusivity (E) principle singles out the set of quantum correlations associated with any exclusivity graph assuming the set of quantum correlations for the complementary graph. Moreover, we prove that, for self-complementary graphs, the E principle, by itself (i.e., without further assumptions), excludes any set of correlations strictly larger than the quantum set. Finally, we prove that, for vertex-transitive graphs, the E principle singles out the maximum value for the quantum correlations assuming only the quantum maximum for the complementary graph. This opens the door for testing the impossibility of higher-than-quantum correlations in experiments.
AMARAL, B. L.; CUNHA, M. de O. T.; CABELLO QUINTERO, A. Exclusivity principle forbids sets of correlations larger than the quantum set. Physical Review A, v. 89, p. 030101, 2014. Disponível em: <http://journals.aps.org/pra/pdf/10.1103/PhysRevA.89.030101>. Acesso em: 06 ma. 2015.