TabPath : interactive tables for metabolic pathway analysis.

Information about metabolic pathways in a comparative context is one of the most powerful tool to help the understanding of genome-based differences in phenotypes among organisms. Although several platforms exist that provide a wealth of information on metabolic pathways of diverse organisms, the comparison among organisms using metabolic pathways is still a difficult task. We present TabPath (Tables for Metabolic Pathway), a web-based tool to facilitate comparison of metabolic pathways in genomes based on KEGG. From a selection of pathways and genomes of interest on the menu, TabPath generates user-friendly tables that facilitate analysis of variations in metabolism among the selected organisms.
MORAES, L. A. G. de. et al. TabPath : interactive tables for metabolic pathway analysis. Bioinformatics, v. 34, p. 1040-1042, 2017. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 16 jun. 2018.