Voltage gain analysis of the interleaved boost with voltage multiplier converter used as electronic interface for fuel cells systems.

The connection of low power renewable energy sources, such as fuel cells, to the distribution generation system requires power electronics structures with high voltage gain, high capability to power processing and consequently, high levels of current flowing through the dc/dc converter. In this context, this study analyses how the parasitic resistances of the passive components and the load power demand affect the dc/dc converter voltage gain. Taking into account the mathematical model, the boundaries of operation of the Interleaved Boost with Voltage Multiplier converter is determined through a set of equations and by means of a graphical analysis. The theoretical analysis, simulations and experimental results are used to validate the proposed approach presented in this study.
FUZATO, G. H. F. et al. Voltage gain analysis of the interleaved boost with voltage multiplier converter used as electronic interface for fuel cells systems. IET Power Electronics, v. 9, p. 1842-1851, 2016. Disponível em: <http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7517481/>. Acesso em: 02 out. 2017.