Energy contribution of NOVA food groups and the nutritional profile of the Brazilian rural workers’ diets.

dc.contributor.authorCattafesta, Monica
dc.contributor.authorPetarli, Glenda Blaser
dc.contributor.authorZandonade, Eliana
dc.contributor.authorBezerra, Olívia Maria de Paula Alves
dc.contributor.authorAbreu, Sandra Marlene Ribeiro de
dc.contributor.authorSalaroli, Luciane Bresciani
dc.description.abstractWe estimated the caloric contribution of minimally processed foods, processed culinary ingredients, processed foods and ultra-processed foods in Brazilian farmers’ diets and their association with the nutritional profile of the diet. It is an epidemiological study of cross-sec- tional, analytical and quantitative design with 740 farmers adults of Southeastern Brazil. Food intake data were obtained by applying three 24-hour recalls and were classified according to the degree and purpose of processing. The largest caloric contribution came from the group of minimally processed foods (64.7%), followed by ultra-processed foods (17.7%), processed culinary ingredients (12.4%), and processed foods (5.2%). Individuals in the fourth quartile of caloric contribution from minimally processed foods showed lower energy consumption (β -0.16, P<0.001) and greater consumption of all 15 micronutrients analyzed. In contrast to what was identified for this food group, the higher caloric contribu- tion from ultra-processed foods was associated with a greater caloric content of the diet (β 0.17, P<0.001) and lower consumption of all 23 analyzed nutrients. Therefore, the caloric contribution from the consumption of ultra-processed foods in the rural area is still lower than the national average. However, measures aimed at delaying isocaloric exchanges for the group of ultra-processed foods must be carried out, maintaining the local food culture, since this group had worse nutritional levels. In addition, incentives to the greater consump- tion of minimally processed foods should be carried out, due to their nutritional quality.pt_BR
dc.identifier.citationCATTAFESTA, M. et al. Energy contribution of NOVA food groups and the nutritional profile of the Brazilian rural workers’ diets. PLOS ONE, v. 15, n. 10, artigo e0240756, 2020. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 11 out. 2022.pt_BR
dc.rights.licenseThis is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Fonte: PDF do artigo.pt_BR
dc.titleEnergy contribution of NOVA food groups and the nutritional profile of the Brazilian rural workers’ diets.pt_BR
dc.typeArtigo publicado em periodicopt_BR
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