Landscape and depositional controls on palaeosols of a distributive fluvial system (Upper Cretaceous, Brazil).

dc.contributor.authorSoares, Marcus Vinícius Theodoro
dc.contributor.authorBasilici, Giorgio
dc.contributor.authorLorenzoni, Paolo
dc.contributor.authorColombera, Luca
dc.contributor.authorMountney, Nigel Philip
dc.contributor.authorMartinelli, Agustin Guillermo
dc.contributor.authorMesquita, Aquila Ferreira
dc.contributor.authorMarinho, Thiago da Silva
dc.contributor.authorVásconez García, Richard Guillermo
dc.contributor.authorMarconato, André
dc.description.abstractThe stratigraphic record of distributive fluvial systems is commonly characterised by frequent and complex interstratification of palaeosols among channel and overbank deposits. However, current models focus primarily on sedimentation and pay only limited attention to palaeopedogenesis, thereby failing to incorporate important palaeoenvironmental and stratigraphic information. This study proposes a pedosedimentary model for distributive fluvial systems that depicts and accounts for two palaeopedogenetic trends: one downdip, in relation to distality from the fan apex, and one along-strike, in relation to distance from active channel belts. Palaeosols are reported in detail from an Upper Cretaceous succession of the Bauru Basin, southeastern Brazil, through the application of macro-, micromorphological and geochemical studies, combined with facies and architectural-element analyses of sediments. In the downdip palaeopedogenetic trend, the proximal zone of the depositional system is characterised by a dominance of well-drained Inceptisols that develop on amalgamated channel fills; in the medial zone, Inceptisols occur interlayered with overbank deposits containing Entisols and poorly drained Vertisols. The distal zone preserves more mature and poorly drained Inceptisols developed on deposits of overbank and sporadic distal channel fills. These pedotypes show an increase in maturity and hydromorphism, moving away from the apex to the fan toe. This is likely linked to (i) the progressive approach of the topographic surface to the water table, and (ii) the average increase in distance to an active channel belt in distal locations. The along-strike palaeopedogenetic trend culminates in poorly developed palaeosols in floodplain regions that correspond to topographic depressions located between channel belts and which were subject to recurrent floods. Because palaeopedogenesis in the floodplain region is penecontemporaneous to sedimentation, pedotypes show an increase in maturity, bioinduced calcification and hydromorphism with distance from the active channels; they pass laterally from Entisols and Inceptisols near active channels, to Vertisols away from active channels. Conversely, following avulsion, abandoned channel belts remain as topographically elevated alluvial ridges located at some distance from the newly active channels and positioned above the water table and this leads to the development of better drained and better developed Inceptisols relative to pedotypes of the floodplain region. Overall, both palaeopedogenetic trends demonstrate the overriding controls of topography, sedimentation rate and parent material on pedogenesis, with only minor climatic influence. This work offers a novel pedosedimentary model for distributive fluvial systems and highlights the palaeoenvironmental significance of palaeosol trends, providing new constraints for the recognition of distributive fluvial systems in the rock record.pt_BR
dc.identifier.citationSOARES, M. V. T. et al. Landscape and depositional controls on palaeosols of a distributive fluvial system (Upper Cretaceous, Brazil). Sedimentary Geology, v. 410, p. 105774, dez. 2020. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 19 fev 2021.pt_BR
dc.subjectPalaeosol micromorphologypt_BR
dc.subjectGeochemical proxiespt_BR
dc.subjectDepositional architecturept_BR
dc.subjectBauru Grouppt_BR
dc.titleLandscape and depositional controls on palaeosols of a distributive fluvial system (Upper Cretaceous, Brazil).pt_BR
dc.typeArtigo publicado em periodicopt_BR
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