Influence of induced stresses by sublevel stopes in stability conditions of development openings in underground mines.

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This work aims to investigate the influence of induced stresses by sublevel stopes in development excavations, which are excavated to access these stopes. Parametric studies changing the position of development openings in relation to stopes were performed in order to evaluate the stability conditions of these openings. Numerical modeling using finite element method was applied to the simulations. An elastic behavior of the rock mass was assumed to allow the simulation of a lot of different opening locations. The results have showed distinct scenarios. Some cases of global collapse were found as well as some situations where the integrity of the openings could be kept. Therefore, the most favorable situations were chosen to perform a plastic analysis in order to have a better knowledge of opening stability conditions. The geometry of the excavations from Caraiba Mining Company, which extracts copper from an underground mine in Brazil, was used in these analyses to illustrate a real situation where many failure problems in these development openings were observed.
Mine stope induced stresses, Finite element analyses, Spalling failure, Parametric analyses, Tensões induzidas por realces
MENDONÇA, G. A; LANA, M. S; FIGUEREDO, R. P. de. Influence of induced stresses by sublevel stopes in stability conditions of development openings in underground mines. Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração, v. 15, p. 159-166, 2018. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 12 fev. 2019.