The sport teams grouping problem.

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The sport teams grouping problem (STGP) concerns the assignment of sport teams to round-robin tournaments. The objective is to minimize the total travel distance of the participating teams while simultaneously respecting fairness constraints. The STGP is an NP-Hard combinatorial optimization problem highly relevant in practice. This paper investigates the performance of some complimentary optimization approaches to the STGP. Three integer programming formulations are presented and thoroughly analyzed: two compact formulations and another with an exponential number of variables, for which a branch-and-price algorithm is proposed. Additionally, a meta-heuristic method is applied to quickly generate feasible high-quality solutions for a set of real-world instances. By combining the different approaches’ results, solutions within 1.7% of the optimum values were produced for all feasible instances. Additionally, to support further research, the considered STGP instances and corresponding solutions files were shared online.
Integer programming, Meta-heuristic, Branch-and-price, Column generation, Decomposition strategies
TOFFOLO, T. A. M. et al. The sport teams grouping problem. Annals of Operations Research, p. 1-21, 2017. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 16 jun. 2018.