Preparation of methodological systematic reviews in nutrition science.

Systematically gathering scientific evidence is necessary to build and support safe concepts, treatments, and effective actions for health practice, policies, and recommendations in the field of nutrition. This didactic guide aimed to compile the steps necessary for a methodological systematic review in nutrition through real examples including the mandatory stages of conduct such as preparation of the central question, search strategy, inclusion and exclusion criteria, data collection, extraction of information, and methodological quality analysis of the studies. The article demonstrates that methodological systematic reviews are valuable to track the progress of concepts and practices. In this way, knowledge of the review process is important for the advancement of the field, and reviews are important resources for scientific information due to their synthesis of current evidence.
GUIMARÃES, N. S. et al. Preparation of methodological systematic reviews in nutrition science. Nutrition Today, Annapolis, v. 56, p. 279-286, nov./dez. 2021. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 11 out. 2022.