Effect of binder and drum speed on hematitic fines balling.

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Determination of the physical properties of pellets is of great industrial importance since they are parameters that will allow a better use of the fines in the plants. Several studies relating different process variables with the pellet properties produced can be found in the literature, but it is still very difficult to predict the particle size distribution of the agglomerates of a new formulation only with the knowledge of its properties. In this study, the ore characterization was performed, evaluating the effect of the rotational speed of the drum and the performance comparison between two binders during green pellets granulation. Decrease of average diameter of the pellets with the use of a carboxymethylcellulosebased binder (Peridur 330, 0.4 kg/t ratio) was observed, in comparison with the conventional binder, bentonite (5 kg/t ratio). Bentonite-containing mixture has showed slightly lower porosity and lower permeability, also indicating a higher resistance of the pellets formed.
Granulation, Iron ore, Carboxymethylcellulose, Bentonite
CUNHA, F. R. da.; LUZ, J. A. M. da.; NEUPPMANN, P. H. Effect of binder and drum speed on hematitic fines balling. Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração, v. 18, p. e2197-8, 2021. Disponível em: <https://tecnologiammm.com.br/article/doi/10.4322/2176-1523.20212197>. Acesso em: 12 set. 2021.