Physical volcanology and petrogenesis of the Archean Quebra Osso komatiite flow field, Rio das Velhas greenstone belt, Quadrilátero Ferrífero (Brazil).

The Quebra Osso komatiite flow field is part of the 2.9–2.7 Ga Rio das Velhas greenstone belt, in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero province, located in the Southern São Francisco craton (Brazil). It is mostly composed of metamorphosed komatiites with a minor association of pyroclastic and metasedimentary rocks. Through a detailed and systematic study, the komatiite flows were subdivided into coherent facies (massive, layered, and pillowed facies) and autoclastic facies (autobreccias and hyaloclastites), formed by effusive flows; and minor pyroclastic facies (tuffs and lapilli-tuffs) that are related to explosive flows. The igneous textures are still preserved, although their primary minerals (olivine and pyroxene) were completely pseudomorphosed by serpentine and/or chlorite. The major proportion of the komatiites of Quebra Osso Group is massive and cumulate-textured, which suggests channelized flow systems. The layered flows are subordinate and encompass an upper zone of random spinifex that grades to a lower cumulate zone. They are restricted to the marginal zones and interpreted as breakouts of lava from the main pathway. The occurrence of pillow lavas, hyaloclastites, and chemical sediments suggests that lavas erupted in a submarine environment. The abundance of autobreccias and local hybrid rocks point out to turbulent percolation of komatiites and/or multiple influxes of melts that caused the fragmentation of the solidified lava and magma mixing/mingling. The studied komatiites were variably affected by hydration due to seafloor alteration, regional metamorphism, and hydrothermal alteration. The mineral assemblage is secondary and comprises serpentine (mostly antigorite), chlorite, tremolite, talc, carbonate, and opaque minerals as accessory phases. The chemical composition of chromites suggests metamorphic overprint up to lower amphibolite facies conditions. Some komatiites are enriched in LREE (La, Sm, Nd), Rb, Ba, Th, Zr, Ti, and Y, and exhibit low [Nb/Th]MN, suggesting contamination by continental crustal. The bulk-rock and the mineral chemistry of amphibole, serpentine/chlorite, and chromite show enrichment of Al and decrease in Si contents in the spinifex-textured komatiites, as a result of crustal material assimilation and/or hybridization processes. The partial melting model for the HREE composition refers to a 50% batch melting of a garnet-free source with a composition similar to the pyrolytic mantle. The formation of Quebra Osso komatiite lavas is associated with the ascension of a mantle plume that was subsequently erupted onto the Archean sialic crust of the Santa Bárbara Complex and was later reworked by subsequent metamorphic and deformational events.
Komatiite, Ultramafic rocks, Southern São Francisco craton
FERREIRA, R. C. R. et al. Physical volcanology and petrogenesis of the Archean Quebra Osso komatiite flow field, Rio das Velhas greenstone belt, Quadrilátero Ferrífero (Brazil). Lithos, v. 370–371, p. 105626, out. 2020. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 19 fev. 2021.