Otimização multivariada de metodologia para digestão de micropartículas poliméricas carreadoras de cátions metálicos.

There are not reports in the literature of digestion processes of metallic cation carrier microparticles. Multivariate experimental designs were utilized to ensure an appropriate digestion for further analysis by atomic absorption spectroscopy. It was used a heater plate and the polimeric degradation was evaluated utilizing an analyzer of total organic carbon (TOC). For the total carbon (TC) content, the full factorial design 24 pointed the significance of sample volume (VAm), in relation to the variables acid volume (VAc), temperature (T) and digestion time (t). However, according to the normal distribution graph it was noted a possible significance of the T and t effects. The same was observed for TOC, including the VAm × VAc × T effect suggestive of complex behavior. In the central composite design all variables were again studied and the VAM was significant, promoting a TC decreasing at the lower evaluated level. By ANOVA a quadratic model without lack of fit was found, with the significant quadratic term. The best digestion condition was: 5.00 mL of sample, 10.00 mL of nitric acid, 60 ºC and 90 min. The multivariate optimization allowed an efficient digestion, with the initial carbon concentration of 4.60 mg L-1 decreased to 0.55 mg L-1.
Metallic cations, Sample preparation, Polymeric microparticles
CHAGAS, J. O. et al. Otimização multivariada de metodologia para digestão de micropartículas poliméricas carreadoras de cátions metálicos. Quimica Nova, v. 40, p. 30-35, 2016. Disponível em: <http://quimicanova.sbq.org.br/detalhe_artigo.asp?id=6500>. Acesso em: 15 set. 2017.