Open-quantum-systems approach to complementarity in neutral-kaon interferometry.

In bipartite quantum systems, entanglement correlations between the parties exerts direct influence in the phenomenon of wave-particle duality. This effect has been quantitatively analyzed in the context of two qubits by Jakob and Bergou [Opt. Commun. 283, 827 (2010)]. Employing a description of the K-meson propagation in free space where its weak decay states are included as a second party, we study here this effect in the kaon-antikaon oscillations. We show that a new quantitative “triality” relation holds, similar to the one considered by Jakob and Bergou. In our case, it relates the distinguishability between the decay-product states corresponding to the distinct kaon propagation modes KS , KL, the amount of wave-like path interference between these states, and the amount of entanglement given by the reduced von Neumann entropy. The inequality can account for the complementarity between strangeness oscillations and lifetime information previously considered in the literature, therefore allowing one to see how it is affected by entanglement correlations. As we will discuss, it allows one to visualize clearly through the K0-K 0 oscillations the fundamental role of entanglement in quantum complementarity.
SOUZA, G. H. C. de et al. Open-quantum-systems approach to complementarity in neutral-kaon interferometry. Physical Review A, v. 94, p. 1-5, 2016. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 16 jan. 2018.