Memristive oscillator based on Chua’s circuit : stability analysis and hidden dynamics.

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This paper presents a theoretical stability analysis of amemristive oscillator derived from Chua’s circuit in order to identify its different dynamics, which are mapped in parameter spaces. Since this oscillator can be represented as a nonlinear feedback system, its stability is analyzed using the method based on describing functions, which allows to predict fixed points, periodic orbits, hidden dynamics, routes to chaos, and unstable states. Bifurcation diagrams and attractors obtained from numerical simulations corroborate theoretical predictions, confirming the coexistence of multiple dynamics in the operation of this oscillator.
Memristor, Stability analysis, Describing functions, Hidden oscillations
ROCHA, R.; RUTHIRAMOORTHY, J.; KATHAMUTHU, T. Memristive oscillator based on Chua’s circuit: stability analysis and hidden dynamics. Nonlinear Dynamics, v. 88, p. 2577-2587, 2017. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 29 set. 2017.