The tectonic evolution of the Quadrilfitero Ferrifero, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

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The structural framework of the Quadrilatero Ferrifero is the result of two main deformational events. The first is an extensional event of Palaeoproterozoic age (between 2100 and 1700 Ma, the Transamazonian Event), which resulted in the formation of Archaean granite-gneiss domes and the nucleation of regional synclines in the overlying Rio das Velbas and Minas supergroups strata. Such regional synclines are continuous with each other and are bordered by structural granite-gneiss highs. At the contact between these units, ductile-brittle to ductile extensional shear zones are developed, representing the dislocation surfaces of Archaean blocks. This tectonism is probably related to the evolution of a metamorphic core complex, formed in the hinterland to the west of a Transamazonian collision zone, which structured the Paramirim Craton. The second event is compressive and associated with the closure of the Pan-African/Brasiliano protoocean (650-500 Ma), situated to the east of Quadrilltero Ferrffero (QF). During this event, a west-verging foldandthrust belt (FTB) developed, causing inversion, amplification, translation and rotation of the basinal synclines. The FTB affected mainly the eastern portion of QF and obliterated many of the tectonic features of the extensional event.
CHEMALE JÚNIOR, F.; ROSIÈRE, C. A.; ENDO, I. The tectonic evolution of the Quadrilfitero Ferrifero, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Precambrian Research., v. 651/4, p. 25-54, 1994. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 20 de jun. 2017.