Kinetic analysis of inhibitor actions on enzymes.

A set of data on a given peroxidase inhibition by quecertin, showing an unusually high experimental error, was used to demonstrate how data, seemingly unsuitable for graphical analysis, may still provide useful information on the inhibition mechanism. The most reliable model turned out to be a mixed non-competitive inhibition. The present statistical procedure has proved (i) to be a simple, general and unequivocal way to carry on kinetic analysis of enzymatic reactions under inhibition action, based only on consecutive linear regressions (no previous assuniption about the inhibition mechanism is required); (ii) that experimental errors can play an essential role on the final decision about the inhibition mechanism and (iii) to be able to show how dose to the Michaetis-Menten mechanism the kinetic model actually is. Therefore ali proposed inhibition mechanisms were subjected to statistical judgement.
Michaelis Menten
BRUNE, W. et al. Kinetic analysis of inhibitor actions on enzymes. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, v. 32, n. 5, p. 457-464, 1997. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em 21 out. 2015.