Preliminary contribution to the knowledge of Coleoptera Buprestidae from Atlantic rainforest regions of Rio Doce and Itacolomi Parks of Minas Gerais. The genera Agrilus Curtis, 1825, Autarcontes Waterhouse, 1887, and Geralius Harold, 1869.

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A checklist of species belonging to Agrilus Curtis, 1825, AutarcontesWaterhouse, 1887, and Geralius Harold, 1869 genera found in Rio Doce and Itacolomi Estadual Parks is given. 19 species are listed, 5 of which are new for the science and here described: Agrilus pirilampo n. sp., A. disorientatus n. sp., A. coal n. sp., A. rarestriatus n. sp., A. taediosus n. sp. Most species were found in one sampling season and reflect a quite favourable rainforest for xylophagous species. The high dominance of Leguminosae large tree species could be related to this pattern.
Coleoptera, Agrilus, Autarcontes, Geralius, Itacolomi
CURLETTI, G.; RIBEIRO, S. P.; MIGLIORI, L. J. Preliminary contribution to the knowledge of Coleoptera Buprestidae from Atlantic rainforest regions of Rio Doce and Itacolomi Parks of Minas Gerais. The genera Agrilus Curtis, 1825, Autarcontes Waterhouse, 1887, and Geralius Harold, 1869. Biodiversity Journal, v. 4, p. 443-450, 2013. Disponível em:<>. Acesso em: 15 out. 2014.