Recording different geometries of 2D hexagonal photonic crystals by choosing the phase between two-beam interference exposures.

2D hexagonal patterns can be generated by the superimposition of two or three fringe patterns that have been formed by two-wave interference and that have rotations of 60o between them. Superimposing three exposures solves the problem of asymmetry in the cross section of structures, which is caused by double exposure. The resulting structure, however, depends on the phase shift of the third fringe pattern in relation to the previous two. We propose a method for controlling the phase shift, and we demonstrate that three different lattice geometries of hexagonal photonic crystals can be recorded when the phase is chosen.
MENEZES, J. W. et al. Recording different geometries of 2D hexagonal photonic crystals by choosing the phase between two-beam interference exposures. Optical Express, v. 14, n. 19, p. 8578-8583, 2006. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 29 nov. 2012.