Extremal product-one free sequences in Cq s Cm.

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Let G be a finite group. The Davenport constant of G is the smallest positive integer d such that every sequence over G with d elements has a non-empty subsequence with product 1. Let Cn be the cyclic group of order n. Bass [1] showed that the Davenport constant of the metacyclic group Cq s Cm, where q is a prime number and ordq(s) = m ≥ 2, is m+ q − 1. In this paper, we determine the form of all sequences S of Cq s Cm, with q + m − 2 elements that are product-one free.
Zero-sum problem, Davenport constant, Inverse zero-sum, Cauchy-Davenport inequality
BROCHERO MARTÍNEZ, F. E.; RIBAS, S. Extremal product-one free sequences in Cq s Cm. Journal Of Number Theory, v. 204, p. 334-353, 2019. Disponível em: <https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022314X19301489>. Acesso em: 06 jul. 2022.