Contributions of the methodology of narrative productions in the degree in rural education.

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The rural education degree courses aim to train teachers to work in the rural schools. They are oriented by alternating formative processes, articulating formation in the university and in the community of the students. Creating strategies to produce knowledge in the articulation between these spaces is one of its challenges. The purpose of this article is to evaluate, from the case study of a student of the Degree in Field Education of the Federal University of Viçosa, if this methodology can favor the articulation between personal experiences and academic knowledge. Three narrative interviews were conducted about her educational experiences in her community, addressing personal trajectory, history and local context. The narratives indicated an approximation to the logic of training by Area of Knowledge; the articulation between experiential elements and their historical contextualization; and the role of subjects in social transformations.
Pedagogy of alternating
SANTOS, M. L.; SILVA, D. G. D. Contributions of the methodology of narrative productions in the degree in rural education. Educação em Perspectiva, Viçosa, v. 10, n. e-019029, dez. 2019. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 03 jul. 2020.